Welcome to OPEIU Local 174

The Office and Professional Employees International Union was chartered in 1945 by the American Federation of Labor. At the time of its founding, the membership of the Union numbered 22,000.  The Union now counts 145,000 members and is one of the larger unions in the AFL-CIO. As it moves into its 57th year of chartered existence, the OPEIU has local unions functioning throughout the fifty states, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia

The Union represents and bargains for both private and public sector professional and semiprofessional workers laboring in most of the major industries in the United States. The OPEIU is also affiliated with a number of state and national professional organizations.

OPEIU members work in industries varied as motion picture industry, banking, insurance, universities, shipping, hospitals and nursing homes, utilities, transportation, manufacturing, paper companies, hotels and many more. They are in positions as varied as computer programmers and operators, engineers, secretaries, nurses, accountants, attorneys, transit supervisors, security guards, bank tellers, administrative aides, quality control personnel, doctors, models, police and others.

Who We Represent:

OPEIU Local 174 is the Motion Picture Industry Union representing over 1700 workers employed in administrative support positions employed at Universal Studios, Uni Music Group, Universal Television, Fox Studios, Warner Bros Studios, Warner Bros. Studio Facilities, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Motion Picture Health and Pension Plan, Cinematographers Guild Administration, Secretly Music Group, IATSE Training Trust Fund and Walt Disney Enterprises

OPEIU Local 174 members have gained major through the collective bargaining process in:

Wage Increases, Medical Benefits, Pension Benefits, Overtime Pay, Vacation Leave, Sick Leave, Representation, Grievance and Arbitration, Temporary Job Placement and Job Referral Service.

Latest News



  • 3 April 2024
  • Author: Mary Flynn
  • Number of views: 337

 Fifteen (15) scholarships will be awarded on the basis of at least one (1) per region.
 Applications are selected on a first come, first served basis.
 Applications are open to children (between ages 13 and 16 only) of OPEIU members in good standing
or associate members, all of whom must meet the eligibility requirements and comply with the Rules and
Regulations as established by the OPEIU Executive Board.
 Each scholarship has a total maximum value of $2,200.00.

An applicant must be the son, daughter, stepchild, legally adopted child, grandchild, niece, nephew or any other
child that the member is responsible for caring for, including children of domestic partners (between ages 13
and 16 only) of an OPEIU member or associate member, in good standing.
In an effort to provide this rewarding experience to as many members of our OPEIU family as
possible, each child will be eligible to attend this camp one time.

 Each applicant must file an official OPEIU scholarship application.
 Application forms must be endorsed by the Local Union President or Secretary-Treasurer
attesting that a parent or guardian of an applicant is a member or an associate member in good standing
up until date of endorsement - such endorsement must be obtained BEFORE the application is submitted.

Application forms may be obtained:
 from your Local Union office or
 on our web site at www.opeiu.org - once logged into the site, click on OPEIU Member
Resources/OPEIU Membership Benefits link.

 All applications must be signed by the member’s Local Union President or Secretary Treasurer before submittal
 to the International Secretary-Treasurer’s Office. Incomplete applications will be returned to the local union
 office. All completed applications are due in the International Secretary-Treasurer’s Office no later than April 30,

The camp will take place at the The Vines Center, Little Rock, AR. The dates are July 21st, through July
26th, 2024.

Winners will be selected and notified by email by May 31st, 2024. 

2024 - Camp - RC Rules and Application.pdf
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OPEIU Local 174 Current Leadership  

Lupe Valles, President/Business Manager

Marcia Alvarez, Vice President/Motion Picture Pension & Health Plan 

Richard Rosen, Secretary Treasurer/ ex. Warner Bros. Operations and Business Representative 

Michael Kanyer, Recording Secretary- Universal Studios 

Robert Kiel, ex. Trustee Sony Pictures

Jack McCrone, ex. MPIPHP

Mary Fujita, ex. Fox Studio Lot

Maria Smith, ex. Universal Television Network

Local 174 is restructuring so that we can overcome the challenges in the rapid development and adoption of technology we are faced with in our industry. We must be able to adapt to these changes so it is important that Local 174 move towards the modern way of communications. In the near future, we will be moving towards the elimination of mailings and posting all membership meeting notices on the website. All activity happening in  your union will also be posted on the website so please be sure you visit www.opeiu174.org. for updates. We are  are also moving towards creating google platforms so you are aware of what is happening at the bargaining table .   

We are looking forward to partnering with you on changing the face of this Local by Organizing New Members and Mobilizing our Membership. Your involvement is crucial, so we are asking all members to be actively involved in Membership Meetings, Shop Steward Trainings, and Contract Bargaining Committees.  If you have not updated you personal email and phone number, please do so by filling out the contact information on this website. 




Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s “compromise” to extend enhanced unemployment insurance by just one week is an insult to working people struggling to make ends meet. Call your senators today at (866) 832-1560 and tell them to protect working people and pass the HEROES Act.

Online Due Payment

Local 174 Meetings

Third Wednesday on the months of January, April, July,  and October.

Member Benefits

Union Plus Mortgages



Local Toolbox

Contact Us
Local 174 Office

3100 W. Burbank Blvd., Suite 203
Burbank, CA 91505
Telephone 818-842-5572 

Office Hours: 9:00AM - 5:00PM